24 Nov 16

Been thinking of buying a new bike? Could I suggest that you try an ebike before you do?

I love my ebike everytime I go uphill. I love my ebike everytime I go downhill. I love my ebike everytime I ride past someone pushing their bike up that techy climb instead of riding it. I love my ebike everytime I cover twice the distance in half the time = more time out doing what I love. I love my ebike cause now my lower back doesnt feel like it has an axe in it. I love my ebike cause it keeps my heart rate lower. I love my ebike cause now I ride more and climb more and further than ever. I love my ebike cause I have lost 3 kilos since I got it. I love my ebike cause it makes me feel like I still have the fitness I had 10 years ago. I love my ebike because it looks sick. I love my ebike cause now Switchbacks Enduro Malaga is not only a dream but a reality. I love my ebike cause hopefully it will get more people riding bikes. I love my ebike because it is the future.

I love my ebike cause when everytime someone tries it they laugh their heads off.

Is this your future?