30 Dec 20

Essentially none.

Well, that isn´t exactly true but for you MTBers out there who are coming over for shorter stays then you might not notice any change. For example, your EHIC health insurance card remains valid until its date of expiration so no change there. Also at present most phone suppliers in the UK have promised to keep roaming free charges, again no change. Importantly upon arrival at Malaga airport, there has only ever been one queue for passport control no matter where you are landing from within Europe which generally works very efficiently. I could only foresee a small change and them setting up a UK specific queue which if anything might speed up the process. Lastly if you are traveling from N. Ireland there are absolutely no changes in your travel requirements.

In short Spain wants UK nationals to come to Spain and UK nationals want to go on holiday to Spain. The economic impact of Covid has only re-inforced this reality. The Spanish authorities will do everything in their power to continue the ease of travelling to Spain and once vaccines have gone around in sufficient numbers then all will be back to business as usual.

See you here soon and have a great 2021.